rob wood
long jumping

Turning 50!

I will soon be turning 50, and like many other people when they approach a significant milestone, I have had a look at my life so far and assessed what I have done, where I am at now, and where I am going. In order to celebrate the upcoming milestone, I have made some lists of things to do before I’m 50 (with a 50 theme). I realistically don't think I will achieve many of these before I am 50, or ever really. But by thinking about what I want to do, and making these lists, I hope to be more productive and do more of the things I want to do with my life. Let's see how I go.

These are my lists at the moment, obviously a work in progress. I'm aiming for 50 lists of course.

  1. Make 50 lists (how am I going so far? 7 actually started, 22 other ideas, and none completed)
  2. 50 things to do (now)
  3. 50 things to do (eventually)
  4. Give 50 tips
  5. Do 50 acts of random kindness
  6. Visit 50 countries
  7. make 50 Kiva loans
  8. collect a photo of myself from every year
  9. Fundraise $50,000
  10. Make 50 quotable quotations
  11. Nominate 50 people
  12. Sell 50 of something
  13. Make 50 of something
  14. Do 50 of something
  15. Change 50 things
  16. Help 50 people
  17. Donate 50 things
  18. Take 50 photos of ...?
  19. Sign 50 petitions
  20. Change 50 lives
  21. Give up 50 things
  22. Start 50 things
  23. Find 50 things
  24. Do 50 things I’ve never done before (1. Walk the bibblemun track or some other long distance walking track)
  25. Build 50 things
  26. Design 50 things
  27. Make contact with 50 old friends
  28. Learn 50 new words
  29. Write 50 handwritten letters


Do you have any suggestions or comments?